Cst software for antenna design
Cst software for antenna design

cst software for antenna design

The performance scaling as a function of number of cores depends on the used solver technology, the simulation model, and other factors.Ī single processor system with a high base clock frequency may also deliver sufficient simulation performance for many applications. It is in general advisable to have a high processor base frequency rather than a large amount of cores. We also recommend 8-10 cores per CPU for a general-purpose simulation workstation.

cst software for antenna design

DELL, HP, or IBM, and that the chosen hardware meets the following requirements. We strongly recommend buying a complete package from a brand-name manufacturer, e.g. Sufficient power supply and cooling must also be ensured for the workstation or server.

cst software for antenna design

This means that computers used for CST Studio Suite® must meet high requirements in terms of CPU, RAM, and graphical specifications in order to achieve optimal performance. Simulation allows the use of virtual prototyping by industry leaders, which means that device performance can be optimized, potential compliance issues can be identified and mitigated early in the design process, the number of physical prototypes required can be reduced, and the risk of test failures and recalls minimized.ĮM simulations can be classified as high performance computing tasks. Co-design with other SIMULIA products allows EM simulation to be integrated into the design flow and drives the development process from the earliest stages.Ĭommon subjects of EM analysis include the performance, efficiency and installed performance of antennas and filters, electromagnetic compatibility and interference (EMC/EMI), exposure of the human body to fields, electro-mechanical effects in motors and generators, and thermal effects in high-power devices.ĬST Studio Suite is used in leading technology and engineering companies around the world and offers considerable product to market advantages, facilitating shorter development cycles and reduced costs. The solvers can be coupled to perform hybrid simulations, giving engineers the flexibility to analyze whole systems made up of multiple components in an efficient and straightforward way. CST Studio Suite? is a high-performance 3D EM analysis software package for designing, analyzing and optimizing electromagnetic (EM) components and systems.Įlectromagnetic field solvers for applications across the EM spectrum are contained within a single user interface in CST Studio Suite.

Cst software for antenna design